International Theatre In Schools Festival

International Theatre In Schools Festival


Promotion and coordination:



Download the complete “conditions of entry” in PDF
(click on the link or PDF image above)

Conditions of entry

Who can participate in the competition

All our artistic and cultural events are messengers of peace, love and friendship. Participants, regardless of ethnicity, skin colour, religion and nationality, will be able to participate in the competition without discrimination, in a spirit of mutual respect with the other participants.

Art. 1

The Festival will take place in Sanremo during the GEF Finals. It aims to increase awareness between Schools and Theatre: young people will perform in theatre plays produced by schools, associations or theatre companies working with under 19 years olds.

The shows will be performed in Sanremo in an appropriate location (such as Opera Theatre of the Municipal Casino Sanremo), morning and afternoon, from Thursday the 27th to Saturday the 29th of March 2025. The prize-giving to the winning schools will take place on Saturday evening March the 29th during the final performance of GEF 2025. Participants will be able to attend the SanremoJunior World Finals at the Ariston Theatre on Wednesday evening the 26th of March, with solo singers from numerous countries performing live accompanied by the SanremoJunior orchestra. They will also be able to attend the Finals of the Music, Dance, Gymnastics and Fashion Categories on Thursday evening March the 27th and Friday evening March the 28th.

The Organisation reserves the right to provide more or fewer competition days according to the number of entries.

The Festival has the following purposes:

Theatre with young people,

Attending other final performances,

Speaking about theatre in schools with young people.

Art. 2

Associations, Theatre Companies of any kind, Foundations, Italian and foreign state and private recognized schools, in the following sections, may participate:

A – Primary Schools

B – Junior High Schools

C – High Schools

D – Special Section: Experimental Theatre in a foreign language – Italian Schools presentingin French or English and foreign schools presenting in Italian, French or English.

E – Theatre Schools including Associations, Theatre Companies and Foundations with school age children aged 6 to 19.

Performances prepared by students and teachers (with the possible collaboration of extramural staff) may concern any one of the following:

– Classical theatre (original or reworked) or the abridged version of a play

– Contemporary theatre (original or reworked) or the abridged version of a play

– Nursery and primary school theatre (original or reworked) or the abridged version of a play

Each body may suggest 1 or 2 different plays with different students. The same student may not participate in more than one performance.

Registration Fees

€ 150 – Competition entry fee for each body (Association, Theatre Company of any kind, State and Private Schools), which may submit 1 or 2 performances for selection.

€ 340 – Fee for each performance admitted to the Sanremo Finals.

The GEF Selection Committee will select the plays that will participate in the Eurotheatre Final in Sanremo at its sole discretion.

Art. 3

Schools and associations that intend to participate in the competition must send, exclusively via e-mail to, no later than 31 January 2025:

– Application Form 2025 – complete in all its parts with the performance/s proposed for the selection

– a description describing the origin of the play (original classical, re-written text or other) and some brief director’s notes that allow for a better understanding of the research that led to the elaboration and development of the theatrical work in question and its most relevant features

–  the text of the play and any other relevant material (including work in progress)

– the list of the members of the theatre troupe (actors, directors and organizers) stating name,       

surname, date of birth and if possible a photo if the entire troupe. All actors must be students of the school at the time of participation.

–  proof of the registration fee payment: Registration fee of € 150 (net) for every participating body: State and private schools, associations, theatre companies of any kind.

Payments of the registration fees must be made to this account:


Beneficiary: KISMET s.r.l.

Purpose for payment: DEPOSIT (please state the name of the school)

IBAN: IT 59 G 02008 49090 000010138260


No credit cards accepted

Art. 4

Performances shall not exceed thirty minutes. Each School, Association, School Company may have its own movable stage elements that do not require any assembly on site, bearing in mind that they will have twenty minutes before the performance for the necessary operations. Rehearsals will not be possible. Each admitted Body shall provide directly for the set design, costumes and anything else needed to put the performance on stage.

Art. 5

All material sent remains the property of the GEF, for the uses permitted by law.

Art. 6

Only the Finalist schools/associations of dance selected for the Sanremo Final will be informed by 12 February 2025 with:

– the indication of the selected performances

– the Hotel Booking Form

– personal data processing forms according to the EU regulation n.679/2016 (GDPR)

– consent form (release for the publication of images)

– the SIAE (copyright) form.

– the SIAE release form for performances that require it. All participating schools whose

   texts are not subject to SIAE, must send a disclaimer to the Organising Committee.

– the Technical Sheet

Art. 7

By 20 February 2025, the schools admitted to the final stages must then confirm in writing, exclusively via e-mail, also sending various forms received with our confirmation, duly completed, namely:

– the duly completed Hotel Booking Form. (The copy of the payment for the stay must reach us by 25 February 2025)

– the SIAE (copyright) form

– the SIAE release form for performances that require it. All participating schools whose texts are not subject to SIAE, must send a disclaimer to the Organising Committee.

– personal data processing forms according to the EU regulation n.679/2016 (GDPR), duly completed and signed

– consent form (release for the publication of images), duly completed and signed

– the Technical Sheet with any scene requirements (which must be agreed with the Production Manager)

– the complete list with name and surname of each official participant, teacher, principal, family members, etc.

– A copy of the receipt for the payment of € 340 for each performance selected for the final stages in Sanremo

Art. 8

It is compulsory for each school selected for the Final Stage to take part in the activities mentioned in Art. 1, participating for at least 3 days in total with a minimum of 3 overnight stays (arrival March the 26th, departure March the 29th, 2025), but 4 overnight stays are advisable

Art. 9

The main objective of the festival is to offer all participants the opportunity to experience other situations and creative experiences. Performances and the award ceremonies will therefore be opportunities for exchange and mutual listening. A price has been arranged for accommodation (minimum 3 overnight stays for the Theatre and Musical competitions) for the finalists, accompanying persons and all those who will have to stay to take part in the final stage of GEF 2025. Types and conditions of which can be found on the website  For organisational and control reasons, such bookings must be made through GEF (only schools in the province of Imperia are excluded).

Each School, Association, Theatre Company participating in the final stage will be sent the form by the Organisation in charge of bookings with the relevant instructions (see Art.7)

Considering the thousands of participants in the final stages of the various competitions, from Italy and abroad, it is advisable to book as early as possible to be able to arrange the type of accommodation more easily.

Official participants in the Sanremo final stages of all competitions will receive GEF gadgets.

All finalist schools will be included in the official bilingual (Italian/English) GEF Catalogue with the relevant teacher.

Art. 10


The selection of the participating works will be carried out by a GEF appointed Committee of experts.

The Jury will consist of Theatre and School experts.

The decisions of the Committee for the selections for the final stages in Sanremo and of the Jury regarding the awarding of prizes are final and definitive.

Consideration will be given to works in terms of the process rather than in terms of the spectacular quality of the final product: they may be exportable models that can be proposed in schools, with a focus on the educational effectiveness and consistence with the educational objectives.

The Festival will award the ‘GEF plaque” to the winning schools, for each section and the best foreign work.

The prestigious “GEF Creativity Award” (Silver Dolphin) will be assigned to a play for the special worth expressed, among the winners of the various sections, but the Jury will have the faculty to award fewer or other prizes. The Jury’s decisions are final and definite.

All prizes will be awarded to the School that will also receive the GEF Certificate as Finalist.

Prizes will be exclusively delivered on the Stage of the Ariston Theatre to the schools present and cannot be awarded nor handed over afterwards at a later date or sent by mail.

Art. 11

The final show will take place with performances and awards ceremony for the absolute winners in the Music, Singing, Dance and Fashion competitions on the evening of Saturday March the 29th, 2025 at the Ariston Theatre in Sanremo. Prizes will also be awarded to the winners of other competitions and the GEF 2025 Awards (Entertainment, Music, Sport, Health, etc.) will be presented, including the prestigious ‘Global Education Award’, the only international education award presented every year to personalities and associations who, with thoughts, words and actions, have favoured the development and increase of education.

Art. 12

GEF will require participants to sign the disclaimer (see Art. 13) reserving the right to record and/or film and/or broadcast the event – in whole or parts – by any means (print, photography, radio, television, audiovisual, internet, etc.) as well as to combine the event with one or more promotional/advertising initiatives, without any money owed to the participants or any of them having any claim.

Art. 13

Each Company, School must send for each participant the following signed and filled in forms:

– Information for the processing of personal data pursuant to EU Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR)

– Consent form – (disclaimer for the circulation of images) – to broadcast any footage or image of performances.

Art. 14

In the event of technical/organisational reasons, the final stages of Sanremo may be subject to variations, which will be promptly communicated to the interested parties.

Art. 15

All the works submitted will remain the property of GEF, that reserves the right to publish them or present them in other shows without any obligation and none of the participants having any claim.

Art. 16

All printed materials and trademarks are protected by Copyright: therefor their use and reproduction by any means is forbidden. Any unauthorised use will be prosecuted according to law.

Art. 17

The Organising Committee, the promoting association and the company in charge of the technical organisation are not responsible for occasional accidents to persons or property either during the journey or throughout the duration of the Festival.

Art. 18

Participation in the event implies knowledge and unconditional acceptance of the rules for the processing of personal data in accordance with EU Regulation No. 679/2016 (GDPR).